As an adult it is your responsibility to look after and invest in yourself.
Do you find yourself pointing the finger, blaming others, playing the victim?
Do you find yourself trying to make someone else or the situation, the place etc. the reason for how you are feeling?
The hard part is actually coming into awareness and beginning to ask yourself -
How come the same things keep happening?
How do I always end up in these situations?
How come I keep experiencing deep internal feelings of anger/frustration/sadness.
Have you ever tried to explore your feelings and what comes up for you?
To face yourself is not easy. Which is why so many of us ignore it or find it easier to find a distraction or choose to use blame.

However taking responsibility for yourself is a huge way to help you learn and create a healthier lifestyle for yourself.
We all have our own toxic traits that have been embedded in us, be it through life experiences, DNA, programming, school systems, media etc. and for so many of us we have not learnt or been taught how to express, how to feel, or how to work through these feelings we have. So instead we box them.
I’ve been down the path of blaming, of not understanding, of hurting so much I just want it all to go away.
The pain and hurt that sits inside of you, that is where the answers are, within you. Truly getting to know yourself will involve going into the depths of you and that isn’t easy but jeheeezzz is it worth it.
Worth it doesn't even really cut it.
It’s life changing. Not only for yourself, but for others around you, your connections, your relationships and the world around you.
Being able to start creating emotional freedom within, allows you to slowly work through, release and let go of those wounds that you have buried and held on to so deeply inside.
The responsibility comes from you. If you are in a position where you know you want to start learning deeply about who you are then you are already in awareness.
There are so many factors as to why you can end up stuck in an emotional, traumatic cycle. You may not have been taught how to express, how to feel. You may have grown up without any emotional support. You may have been shut down when you did try.
But let me tell you the best advice I can give you, ask for help. Don't be afraid to ask for help, ever. You are not your thoughts or feelings.
I didn’t get to where I am today by continuing to suffer. I spent years and years working on myself and working through it all. I had to unravel some real deep shit, some really painful memories and take myself right back to childhood to some stuff I had completely blocked out and bedded so deeply. I now understand how people end up having things come to them when they are much older due to blocking it out as a child.
Healing is a process. It doesn’t happen overnight but you can begin at any point in your life. If you want to start creating a healthier way of life, I urge you to start with you.
If this is something you’d like to start working on then please do message me to begin your journey.
Much love 💛