Are the change.
Every time we pause to choose with conscious awareness and intention, we change the way in which we live, breathe and walk on this earth.
I believe we must come into ourselves and face what is going on within. We are in a collective numerology year number 7. I have this as my life path.
Taking sacred pauses and being in the depths of silence with ourselves, and maybe it isn't silent at all in there and I understand this is why we can avoid going into these spaces with ourselves, but being in deep self-reflection to witness ourselves and our behaviours and habits, is how we are going to create change in this world. How we operate, taking ownership and responsibility for ourselves as adults., is where the answers are.
As within, so without.
We can change the way we live to bring ourselves, each other and the planet into more harmonious states. We can educate our children how to self-regulate, to live from the heart and to live as themselves.
Nature nurtures. Our roots, our essence, our truest form. Mother Earth, our home. Once we learn to surf the universal law of rhythm, you can catch the waves and allow vibration to be your guide, accept and honour cycles of change. She is always changing but transforming through a predictable cycle.
I see and feel big changes happening in the feminine at this time. No longer run these stories of victim, projector, damsel in distress and helpless maiden. I see women embodying new stories being written, new codes being embedded, and the embodied feminine force has arrived, this is HERstory. Rewriting HIStory.
Whilst I believe there is a lot of 'try this' or 'do that' and I can call myself out on where I have shared this already, saying about my beliefs and what I feel needs to happen... I remember a quote I once heard 'Tell a man how to fish and he will fish for a day, teach a man how to fish and he will fish for the rest of his life.'
Whilst I believe this needs to be changed into ALL beings, not just man.
What I feel is and will always be important is teaching, guiding and educating lovingly. It's easy when you have mastered something to say 'Oh you just do this, it's easy' However I imagine there was a time when it wasn't that easy for you or me. We had to learn, to practice, over and over, mastering our craft, with patience, perseverance and endless nurturing. Trial and error, failing and getting up again, wanting to give up, yet something deeper inside of you drives you to keep going. That life force, that passion, and the love you have for this creation.
I wonder, how did you speak to yourself during these times?
How do you speak to others during these times or transitions?
Do you offer love and support? Kindness? Compassion?
It's beautiful in this world, how we can resonate so much with stories, the ancient magic of storytelling will forever remain a consistent way of living, I believe. We have been there before in a similar situation, the classic Thai saying 'same, same but different.' Maybe you remember what you needed during that time, whilst knowing that what you may have needed may be completely different to what someone else needs, different time, different person, different space, different place. But I can assure you that LOVE is always needed. Next time this occurs, I invite you to ask someone what they need and maybe they don't know at that moment and that's ok. But it's an offering, it changes the dynamic, you are opening a space for vulnerability, a space for safety, an opportunity for them to use their voice to speak out, to be heard, felt, witnessed, loved and seen, not to be fixed or resolved, to purely be and maybe you even say 'I've got you.' To not relieve what may be occurring, to not rush it, or force it out, but to be.
With any creation, you are the art and you master your creation. As a child, remember when you finally learned how to tie a shoelace, as a teenager when you study those passions you loved at school or the clubs/sports you enjoyed. As an adult, the passion, your love, maybe it is drawing, it's working with numbers, looking after the elderly, working in a funeral home, or nurturing the biggest creation of all, one of your very own. ALL of these needs are like what any newborn needs. Love, nourishment, nurture, stability, roots, strong foundations, safety, compassion, trust, honesty, loyalty, depth and more. Whilst I believe some things come to us easier than others, we are all here with our unique gifts, talents and creations to nurture in this world.
What has been happening in the world weighs heavy on my heart. The fact that we as human beings use such violence and harm towards ourselves, each other and the planet, OUR home. The place where we rest, where we live, is so abused and tormented by us, humans. Whilst I could say it breaks my heart, it tears my heart wide open more and more, to the rawness, to the depths, and to the very core of my own being.
I wish for us all to look into our internal wars, to love and accept where we can be, have been or are at war with ourselves. Where we can perhaps fight with ourselves, or neglect parts of ourselves, where we avoid seeing who we truly are beneath the surface. Causing separation rather than seeing our wholeness, and equality. Facing our dark, using our light to face our shadows, our fears, where there may be or can be in chaos in our internal systems, unregulated, in survival, flight or fight mode, then, in turn, it ripples out into our relationships with family, friends, partners and the world.
If you get, radically, deeply, honest and true with yourself, can you recall a time when you have not been kind to yourself, to another, to the planet?
This isn't about pointing and blaming, it's about being rooted in the reality of what is, making a commitment and taking responsibility. Honouring all our colours and shades, the choices we make, the impact of our choices and actions, and building awareness of what spaces we operate from. Life can be fucking messy and there can be peace in the mess. Life can be peaceful, surrounded by mess. I have an unwavering trust and faith in spirit and I continue to walk this path, regardless of how it looks or seems to others. It's a consistent in my life that I will forever continue to practice, this re-fining, re-tuning, building deep trust and one that has led on some incredible adventures in life that even now I pinch myself at!
And so this is my prayer whilst I witness the world, wishing, praying and wanting so deeply for us as beings, ‘to be’ with our fears, to be safe to feel them, love them, to be in our hearts. To be with all our colours and shades and with others. To come into deep acceptance. To invite love into those spaces where there is or once was internal harm, neglect, violence towards ourselves and internal conflict. So there is a dissolving of the war within, so we purify and tune into our purest essence, love, peace and harmony, changing our realities in the external world.
Maybe this share is also a witnessing of my passion. My love for writing, for expression, a reminder of why I created and made a Self-Love journal.
My why of the work that I do endlessly day in and day out. This is my action, helping and supporting others on this journey. Taking beautiful beings on their inner pilgrimage, their very own 1-1 in-depth transformative journey within. Why I have such a deep love for teaching the beauty of Intimacy - 'Into Me I See' MJ's song 'man in the mirror' another word, universe - U 'N' I - VERSE. You and I, working together in synergy and harmony. Ahh so many, so many.
And well, sometimes that's all it takes. A reminder of what you love. Being in that space of creation, exploring, doing what you love, sharing what you love with others. That’s it. Having the confidence to remain in what you know to be true in your heart. The beauty of your dreams, your passions and that life force within you, that keeps you going no matter how many times you may get burnt or stung. This is the season of letting go, loss, pain, grief, the weight of the world on your shoulders. I trustt that purity, innocence and grace remain in your heart.
And you rise again like the phoenix rising from the ashes.
Reborn, Anew.
With new knowledge, new wisdom and a remaining deep desire for transformation and awakening for all. A continued sense and wish for us to play sweet melodies in perfect harmony with ourselves, each other and the planet.
Mutation is here. Always in the present. Change remains a constant. We are evolving through the emotional body.
If you feel ready to explore your emotional depths, I am here, I invite you to reach out.
Would you like to connect?
Feel free to message me if anything came through for you, observations, responses, your musings.
Love, always. ❤️