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The Art of Knowing Self

What a beautiful creation of art we all are.

What a blessing it is to truly get to know yourself, as you are, already whole.

Whilst it can be challenging, uncomfortable and somewhat an identity crisis at times the adventure of the journey ripples out throughout it all and I can’t help but share the true beauty in all of those spaces.

Let me share with you about relationships…

34 years on this planet and a humongous chunk of those years spent listening to humans…the most talked about conversation is relationships.

Relationships with partners, lovers, money, colleagues, friends, children, family, ex’s, work, life…

A lot of the time all these discussions come about, sharing about the other, before really addressing the one key point in all of this… the relationship you have with yourself.

This is how all your other relationships play out, based on the connection and relationship you have with yourself, the energy and frequency you are vibrating within.

Some questions to feel into...

Do you neglect yourself, talk negatively to and about yourself?

Do you nourish yourself, your senses and nurture your needs?

Are you tending to your garden?

Are you aware of your needs/values?

How are you when you are just being with yourself?

What is the energy, the vibration and frequency you are putting out into the world?

Pay attention to that.

How you feel within yourself will get reflected back to you in all the ways, through people, friends, family, money, work etc.

How willing are you?

To be yourself, to love yourself… this is and will always be the longest relationship you will ever have. It’s the best investment and gift you will ever give and receive.

It’s the most beautiful love story and I will always encourage you to begin writing your story.

A big part of my purpose here is focused on intimacy, to be entirely transparent. To have no hidden agendas or hidden anything, to live wide open, pulling everyone into that transparent embrace. For me, the more transparent we are, the more connected we are to spirit and this is where we are heading. The more positive our attitude, the more our spirit soars and the more transparent we are able to be.

How transparent can you be with yourself?

How honest and open can you be?

We are human beings not human doings.

How do you want to be?

What do you want to see?

Become your own master of self and watch how everything around you changes, it truly is magical.

New sessions available from 5th September if it feels good to you and you want to begin your Bespoke Journey Transformation.

Love and Blessings


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