After sharing a 21 day self love journey, it has felt very aligned to now write and share about self love. To me it's our birthright, it’s our divine essence. It is who we are. LOVE. It’s the journey, process and practices that get us there.
So all these practices and movements I shared over these 21 days were all ways in which you can begin to create, remember and rediscover your true essence of divine love. How to cultivate that state, ways in which bring you into those high vibrational energy levels of love, acceptance, joy and compassion.
To learn how to bring self acceptance and awareness for wherever you are right now. Whatever season you are in. It’s not so much to become as it is to accept, to honour and to hold yourself wherever you are at right now. To know that your pain, your needs and your version of the truth is valid.
Acknowledging that underneath all those layers of protection is love. All the layers of conditioning, all the fears, reactions and projections, knowing that although we are all individual in our unique way, the root of us all is love, oneness, wholeness. Knowing that you are already whole and worthy on all your days, however that day shows up for you.
Self love comes to me knowing it’s absolutely ok to feel emotions and move through them. I truly love this about myself and it’s been a journey to get to that stage, for so long I spent wrapped up in the ways others experience me and my emotions as if they were a negative experience. Embrace having emotions, embrace the beauty of feeling, of vulnerability. Quite honestly I feel so proud and honoured to allow myself to feel. To me this feels like truth, this feels authentic, showing my vulnerability and being transparent.

A while ago I wrote in one of my journal shares ‘I’ve become the person I always dreamt of being…me’ and the truth of that is I’ve just remembered all that I am. I’m highly passionate about gaining knowledge and wisdom to share to the world and right now it feels like such a collective and individual deconditioning. This part of my journey has been the rediscovery of all that is within me, a deep acceptance, forgiveness, love, compassion and gratitude for all parts of myself.
The parts that failed, the inner critic, the parts that feel unheard, the parts that need recognition, the parts that have carried frustrations, pain, hurt and grief from the past, the unconscious parts, the mishaps, the fuck ups, the parts that feel disappointment, unrecognised and unvalued.
When I come home to myself (internal home) I feel so deeply held in that space, I feel so safe, nurtured, cared for and truly blessed to have made this home so special for myself. I no longer spend time trying to get away from it and distract myself to not spend time there, I welcome the lessons, the growth and the challenges. I travel externally for pleasure, for joy, for curiosity of different cultures and experiencing new lands and I go to all of these places whilst having my home constantly with me. Like a snail with its home on its back where it goes. My home is within me and it comes with me wherever I go. It's in my body, in my heart and it's the most beautiful place I have ever lived.

Self love is allowing myself to be vulnerable, to recognise my emotional needs, to master and manage my emotions, learning healthy ways to feel, move and express, not repress. Knowing the sun rises again tomorrow, knowing its a motion. Allowing them to move is such a beautiful expression of art, it truly is beautiful. We are all artists. Watching how we all move, how we eb and flow and dance our way through this adventure of life is a blessing and truly magical. In your darkest times, your brightest moments and all the multitude of colours in between you are and you will always be worthy, valid and valued.
To me a big part of self love is about how brutally honest you can be with yourself emotionally. To understand your needs, your emotional world, vulnerabilities and your own strength. Knowing what you need to feel emotionally strong. My emotions are my absolute strength and wow they are strong, they are deep and they are powerful and it's from those spaces I create magic. I find those beautiful pearls of wisdom at the bottom of the ocean in the deepest darkest depths of the seas.
Self love is never to be afraid to start again, to get to know thyself on all levels, to forever be a student and a teacher.
It’s having healthy boundaries, it's showing up, it’s recognising when you make mistakes, its ownership, responsibility, its taking action and its resting.
It’s a dance in union between the masculine and feminine, it's the beauty of polarity and those blissful moments you find in stillness, those breakthrough moments out of the depths of darkness where that fire lights up your ass and you move to make a change, to do something differently.
It's a daily habit, a practice and a commitment until eventually it just becomes your natural way. Because it is. Your worth and your value is always important whatever season you are journeying through.
How to talk about emotions… there are many ways but I like to use the analogy of that cupboard in your house, in the TV series, Friends, known as the ‘Monica cupboard’ Where you fill it up, continuing to shove things in there, not even knowing what half of the stuff is in there, yet you just shut it all away, stacking up layers upon layers of ‘stuff.’ Until one day you go to put something in it and there is no room and it all comes tumbling out. Letting out all the things you had locked up away in there, sprawled out across the floor and room. What do you do? Get pissed off, frustrated, cry, scream? Do you just pick it all up again and shove it all back in?
Maintenance and cleanup in our cupboards is much like our internal home, keeping it maintained and having a good clean out does wonders.
Self love is asking yourself questions, it’s working with a therapist/coach who will offer support and a safe space to ask you the right questions, to hold you accountable and witness you on your path…
How can you open yourself up more to what you need?
Where within your emotional body do you need to create space?
What do you want to create emotional fulfillment?
Just because you maybe didn't grow up with something does not mean you can't have it now.
Get radically honest with yourself.
Discover within where you block or protect yourself, where you're disconnected from yourself, allow your heart to open and begin to act and live from this space and be the absolute powerful artist and creator that you already are.
Love yourself. Love me, Love all things.
Blessings ❤️✨