Fluidity allows space for movement. Staying flexible allows for change and creates a wave-like motion to gently maneuvre you through certain situations and life challenges.
How do you respond to emotions?
Have you been taught how to feel them, digest them, move through them and release them?
This is such a big part of my journey and why I’m so passionate about what I share within my work.
For me, the key with the emotional wave is the dance of it and this fluidity. It’s funny because I’ve always loved dance, gymnastics/yoga, music and movement all my life and when I was younger I kept trying all different dancing classes with teachers that taught choreographed movements and I would get frustrated. Sometimes it felt too robotic, regimented and controlled and I wanted to be free to dance and feel how my body wanted to move. As much as I enjoyed the classes, something didn’t feel right, like I always wanted to dance to the beat of my own drum.
I feel for me, having a base and structure of music holds the space, which then opens and creates waves of frequency which allows me to tune into the body which then creates the choreography as such. I feel for me, this is much like the emotional wave, a space and dance of union you create within yourself working with your energies and then moving from that space outwards. Then you are met with another in that space creating natural waves of unison between the two of you and then into each other and whoooaaa if the awareness is there on both levels, that’s fricken beautiful whatever the wave. The art of practice, perseverance and patience I feel is key all round. There is always dance going on with the wave and sometimes you dance with yourself, other times with another and then times with a whole tribe but you are always dancing this life with spirit and never alone.
How in tune are you with your rhythm?
This weekend's energy is a big surge for spiritual awakenings..
Can you feel your energy rising?

The energy is rising within us all, therefore it is then showcased in the external world in the physical, cue the incoming of the rise in energy bills.
It’s written in the stars, you might say.
This is an invitation for you to look at your energy within you and some general questions to ask yourself… (just look at the questions they are asking about the latest energy rises and take them on board for yourself)
How are you using your energy?
Where are you using your energy?
How do you look after your energy?
Are you aware of where you are giving and taking energy?
How do you prioritise your energy efficiently?
Where do you get your energy supplies from?
What is your main source of energy?
Can you produce your own renewable energy source?
How can you increase your electrical power?
Do you know where your energy centers are located?
Do you know how you can increase your power through having quarterly services?
Are you part of an energy community?
Do you know how to safely use your energy?
Do you know what switches to turn on and use?
All very powerful questions…I invite you to take some time with them.
The focus and energy at this time is also on relationships and creating more peace, balance and harmony within them all. That one with yourself being the key to all your other relationships. I actually set my intention this year of 2022 (angel number) for peace, balance and harmony in all relationships. I’m creating it within myself and then I am seeing it happen externally all around me in my relationships with others. Don’t underestimate the power of energy, of your aura, intention and aligned action. It’s a strong force and what I call practical magic. Remember how you treat yourself is a way of how you demonstrate and teach others how to treat you.
If you have any questions or feel called to then I highly encourage working with myself who can guide you through your own spiritual awakening journey and help you unlock your energy centers. Being truly supported and held to explore all parts of yourself, remembering who you are and absolutely loving all of you. Learning how to master yourself is your key to raising your awareness, consciousness and bringing you closer to spirit. You have to want to see yourself for others to be able to see you.
If you want to be seen, heard, felt, witnessed, listened to and guided to go safely within yourself I am here to offer you the support needed to go there.
Love, blessings and new intentions on this moon. ❤️