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New Way Of Life

Now I say a new way of life, however when I told myself over and over that there was this way of life out there which was right for me, one that felt true, natural and aligned with who I am and the life i wanted to live, I not only just knew it, I felt it, so deeply within.

And of course being the believer I am and knowing the power of energy, it was only a matter of time…

Being a very self determined human being, the world I imagined and dreamt of is now beginning to reflect back at me, I'm in it, it's within me and it's now all around me and I’m living proof that it exists and it is all possible.

I am the creator and you are too.

Now this is by far not a destination, this is the beginning, just the very start and will continue to be a forever unraveling journey as every other chapter in my life. Endings are beginnings and beginnings are endings. I deeply encourage change and transformation and welcome all the new. I have had so many aha moments and I am really noticing how all my life so far up to this point has been like my training ground. All of the careers and work/life experiences I have had, all the people I have met and connected with, the relationships and paths crossed with and learnt from, it has all got me to this point right now and to reflect on all of that is utterly amazing!

I cannot express the importance of taking those moments to create space, stop to just be and feel into all that you are in this very moment.

Retreats have been such a powerful place of change and connection for me and are an absolute dream of mine. To be part of a community of like minded people, helping guide others through their transformations in a kind, supportive and loving way, creates such joy and fulfillment. To give and receive, to flow and balance energies. They have everything I absolutely love, involved within them. To be in a space that wants to create a better life, better connections and a better planet. It fills me up SO much.

To see myself and others grow and evolve and live a life that they choose, that aligns with their values, wants and needs is soulfully beautiful.

To watch myself and others grow in confidence, to come from a conscious space of love and good intentions...that’s what I want for this world and for the people in it.

Now of course it comes with challenges and my oh my do I get challenged and uncomfortable here. Each time I am learning to get more and more comfortable with the uncomfortable after being met with some resistance, releasing the fears and continuing to evolve into a new space. I am eternally grateful for connections I have here and outside of here that can offer space to hold me during those roller coaster rides. I am deeply sensitive and I feel a lot and this truly is one of my greatest gifts, the compassion I have towards myself and others is beautiful and I am deeply connecting so much to the Mother archetype still, truly nurturing and mothering myself into what feels like a mature feminine energy. The lessons are quicker and I catch myself much faster and come back to that nurturing loving energy once again.

I deeply feel it is my soul's mission to help awaken as many as I can to the endless possibilities that this incredible life has to offer and to really have the most beautiful relationships to ourselves, others and the planet.

To focus on a better world together.

For the journey of awakening is one of endless beauty and abundance, yes it comes with challenges and commitments but isn't that true for most things in life?

You really can change and create a whole different life and world inside of you and around you.

I believe so many things can be changed if we can just begin by starting to take responsibility for ourselves and learning about the language we use for ourselves and towards others. Spending a few extra moments to be a bit more mindful, to respect others when they may need time to respond, or to ride the emotional wave before making decisions, to allow others to live a life in a way that is right for them, in turn to create healthier relationships and connections and a healthier way of life for the planet.

When you base abundance as a question of one's spirit and the quality of our spirit is directly proportional to our attitude, then the idea for me is to help and support YOU to find freedom of spirit. To open yourself up to transparent intimacy, to live wide open with no hidden agendas, to step into and live a life of your own inner truths, living from that space of truth and love and expanding that out into the world for humankind and planet earth.

Going through another deep powerful transformation and I'm so aware of how the ego wants to know the next steps to feel safe, yet I know this is another level of trusting and surrendering to the unknown and allowing it to be brought into my space in divine timing. Trusting my intuition and being guided is a beautiful practice I continue to strengthen.

So much love ❤️


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