We are putting so much fear into the next generation, the generation of our future. Fear of not living up to this perfect life that we have portrayed to them.

To condone to what society and mass media believe you ‘should’ do or how you ‘should’ look. This is so far from the truth. We are all completely 100% unique to ourselves and we need to start embracing who we are and not conform to how society wants us to be. No one of us is the same and we shouldn't be controlled to live our lives one certain way. We need to learn to stay true to who we are, our authentic selves, unapologetically.
I can happily admit that my life is far from perfect but what I have learnt is that I want to do something about it and i've spent so many hours, months and years working on myself to get to this level. My life experiences have brought me to where I am today and I wouldn’t change a thing. I have learnt so much already and I feel super lucky and wise beyond my years yet I know it's a constant journey of growing and learning and it will continue that way for as long as I stay on this planet, but I’m so excited to see where it takes me. Lockdown for me personally has given me the time to stop. To fully look at who I really am, the real me. Stripped back completely and what I want to do moving forwards. I was working a job which I enjoyed but it was very much the rat race and I just knew there was more to me and life than this. Facing my fears and closing my business and a job that I had done for over 14 was scary but I just knew it was the right decision. Nothing changes if nothing changes.
What I do want to change is the way in which you as people can do your bit to help yourself and in turn help others and your children. I was put on this world for a reason and I am determined to help make a difference. For anyone reading this that doesn't know me. I am 31 years old, therefore I have been lucky enough to have lived in a time before social media and I can see a lot of positives that have come from it yet there is still such a negative effect that it has on so many. We were all born into this world with one life. How we are taught and brought up determines a lot of our outcome. We ourselves as adults get to choose the paths we go on, your children however are taught by you.
You are their teachers, their guides and they need you. To learn and to be taught. To know right from wrong. The job role as a parent is huge. This may be why I am yet to have children because I believe the work on oneself is so important and I have had to go through what I have been through to get me to this stage. A stage where I feel truly happy within myself. A journey of healing, self love, cutting cords of past traumas and ancestral ties. Which in turn has led me on to this path of wanting to help teach and guide others. There is so much that needs to be done, to be unlearnt and relearnt by us as adults before it gets projected on to children.
I understand I have not experienced being a parent of my own child. But what I have experienced is being a child and having gone through losing my mum at the age of 13 I have experienced life with a lack of a mother’s love. Down to no fault of anyone other than that damn C word - Cancer. So what I can understand and relate to is children that are growing up without love, feelings of abandonment and codependency. The lack of love is the root of all the problems within and I plan to encourage and guide you to work on your own self love. Having worked as a beauty therapist for over 14 years I have spent a long time listening to others and having travelled around the world, I have met so many people and heard so many stories from all walks of life. This eventually has led me to the path I am on today. - See about me section for more details relating to this.