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Believe In You

I know it's hard to constantly give to yourself. To pick yourself up when you are running on low. To continue to cheer yourself on when there is no one else around. To feel completely alone in this big wide world. To feel misunderstood and to be told you are less than. To feel unloved, unworthy and completely stuck.

But do you know who keeps going and showing up for themselves?


You will get to brighter days. Hard work on yourself, does and will pay off. Patience is a virtue, so don’t beat yourself up if you're having a bad day. It's absolutely fine. We ALL have them. I know it's not always easy to see when you're in that fog, but if you are committed and truly, honestly facing up to yourself, slowly but surely that mist begins to fade.

So believe me when I say -

You are enough reason to believe in yourself, because you know damn well you deserve it. You know deep down you've got that fight inside of you to keep going.

Because YOU are worth fighting for.

Because YOU matter.

Because YOU ARE worthy.

I spent years being in that place of feeling stuck, knowing I needed to get out but no idea how, I know how it feels.

What kept me going?

That inner knowing, that deep rooted feeling inside of me that I was enough and I needed to remind and prove myself of that, regardless of what was going on in my outside world.

I have fought and fought over the years for my freedom, in more situations than one. Finally getting myself firmly to a place now where I do not allow myself to be controlled by mindless individuals and to not lose sight of who I am, has not been easy.

Setting firm boundaries is so important and something that has taken me a long time to not only learn but put into practice.

Ultimately what you allow, you will receive.

I allowed myself to get mistreated for so long in the past. A strong part of me is able to see through what an individual showcases the outside world. Why people act and treat people the way they do. I was battling allowing myself to get hurt time and time again in the process of trying to help others. I don't condone abusive behaviour on any level by any means, I'm just fully aware of the deep rooted causes behind a lot of it. So much lies in this that people are unaware of. I can see the pain that lies deep within so many individuals and all I ever wanted to do was help them. Yet what I really needed to do was to awaken and see what it was teaching me. I needed to put myself first and help myself. This forced me into spending years reading, learning, studying and educating myself in depth around this. Eventually leading me to see through into myself.

No one was put on this planet to be an arsehole. No one wants to grow up to become an arsehole. As a child you don't get a choice. As an adult you do. What you teach and show your children is down to you.

For the sake of yourself and in turn the sake of your children, investing in yourself is a lifetime commitment. You can try to escape yourself but you’ll just get you led back to you.

Every. Single. Time.

You can spend a lifetime blaming other people, situations etc. but until you have truly honestly taken a good hard look at yourself, do you even have the right to put blame on others?

We all hold our own toxic traits, point blank. As an adult, you are responsible for yourself and ultimately you are stuck with you. So it wouldn’t hurt getting to know who you really are.

So how's about a little look into you?

Scary, I know.

It's consistent work on self and a lifetime commitment, it's not a case of you do a bit of work on yourself and then boom you're ‘fixed’ we all know that nothing long lasting and really worth it is a quick fix. It's so important to set yourself boundaries and actually stick to them.

So let's see you continue to raise your hands and cheer yourself on that bit further.

I can give you all the guidance, lessons and teachings and I can show you the path but ultimately you've got to take the first step.

Are you ready to take that leap of faith?

It doesn't come easy but let me tell you when it does, lets just say life feels a lot lighter and free.

When you start to continuously feed into that energy it will start to radiate. Slowly you’ll discover that there are others out there like you. You bounce off each other's energies and in turn you grow and evolve. Bringing more joy and happiness your way.

And eventually you'll look back and be proud that you believed in you because you are the one that got you here today, by choosing you.

I believe in you.

Register your email if you are interested and want to start on your own Bespoke Journey. I will be adding more information on the website soon with my latest updates on what I will be offering and prices moving forwards.



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