Transformational Healing Experience | In Person Session
Intuitive deep healing, massage and therapy session. Using conscious embodied touch and massage movement this experience offers the opportunity for us to connect and to tune into the body, to cultivate awareness within the body as we move and shift areas of stored emotions and tension through somatic body release. A variety of techniques and with over 15 years in practice, this treatment is a safe space for you to be as you allow yourself to relax, unfold and melt to receive.
Using breath, movement and connection with the body you can allow your nervous system to settle and enjoy this soothing, nurturing and grounding treatment. This is a very individual and unique treatment suited to your needs.
Discovering and feeling into your energy, needs and where you are currently at in the present moment. Receiving a combination of the following...energy work, infused with aromatherapy massage, intuitive coaching/talk therapy, emotional healing release and tarot. Working on all levels, mentally. emotionally, physically and spiritually.
90 mins - £120 | 120mins - £155